Barrier Free Mosquito Net for Doors – CATERPILLAR CHAIN

Indian homes typically have main entrances without thresholds since doorsteps can be dangerous for elderly, young children, and visitors. Joynets makes some of the greatest barrier-free mosquito nets for doors in the world. Pleated mesh glide on a unique ABS/derlin compound 5mm guide strip. The floor is adhered to the guide strip with a specific 3 M double-sided adhesive. GreenWeb Germany developed a proprietary chemical that is used in the Caterpillar Chain. The smoothness increases with the amount of caterpillar chain used over the guide strip. Modules can be added to expand Barrier Free. This guarantees protection against strong winds. For optimal space utilization, barrier-free pleated mesh has a 20 mm pleat height. Never use a barrier-free mosquito net on a window. Doors can have Barrier Free Mosquito Nets produced in single shutters with widths as large as 1.5 meters.