Pleated Mosquito Net for Aluminum Doors

For insect screening and mosquito protection on aluminum casement doors, pleated mosquito net is the best option. The powder-coated frame of pleated mesh can be made to match the door frame. Additionally, the pleated mosquito net’s space-saving design makes it particularly practical for all interior doors that open. Pleated mosquito netting can be put on the outside of aluminum doors that open inside since the mesh is strong and waterproof. Pleated Mosquito Mesh has a very high air flow and natural light intake. Because a pleated mosquito net does not require a transom for an 8-foot-tall door, it provides an uninterrupted view. The pleated mosquito net from Joynets has a bottom rail that is only 25 mm high and can support a 200 kg person. It is quite simple to clean using a brush or broom.